Shoyoroku - Case 75: Zuigan's "Everlasting Principle" Zuigan [1] asked Ganto, "What is the intrinsic, everlasting principle?" Ganto said, "It has moved." Zuigan said, "What if it moves?" Ganto said, "You can't see the intrinsic, everlasting principle." Zuigan thought for a moment. Ganto said, "If you acknowledge it, you are not yet free from the roots and their dust [2]. If you do not acknowledge it, you are immersed in endless birth and death." [1]: At the time of this dialogue Zuigan was still a young boy. [2]: The "roots" means "six roots" of sense organs: eye, ear, nose, tongue, body, consciousness. "Dust", more exactly "six dust particles," means the objects of the six sense organs: form, sound, smell, taste, things to be touched, objects of mind.